How to Pick Vocabulary Words?
The way you choose vocabulary words is extremely important and you should be careful. Growing up I was given a LONG list of words and...
Reading Strategies
If you need help coming up with reading strategies for your classroom. If you click on the link below, you will be able to find over 50...
Lesson-Using Context Clues
Lesson Topic: Context Clues Subject: English/ Writing IN Standards and Indicators:...
A Giraffe And a Half- Poetry
Title: A Giraffe and a Half Author/Illustrator: Shel Silverstein Genre: poetry Skills/Strategies: Word Recognition, Fluency, and...
First day Jitters
Title: First day Jitters Author/Illustrator: Julie Danneberg Illustrated by judy love Genre: Fiction-social issues Skills/Strategies...
Enemy Pie
Title: Enemy pie Author/Illustrator Derek Munson Genre: Social issue-friends/enemy’s---Other peoples perspective-acceptance- jealousy...