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Enemy Pie

Title: Enemy pie


Derek Munson

Genre: Social issue-friends/enemy’s---Other peoples perspective-acceptance- jealousy


  • Beginnings

  • voice

  • story elements

  • other peoples perspective (feelings)

  • Vocabulary:


.RL.3.1: Describe the overall structure of a story, including describing how the beginning introduces the story and the ending concludes the action

3.RL.3.2: Distinguish personal point of view from that of the narrator or those of the characters

3.RV.2.1:Apply context clues (e.g., word, phrase, and sentence clues) and text features (e.g., maps, illustrations, charts) to determine the meanings of unknown words

2.RV.2.5: Consult reference materials, both print and digital (e.g.,

dictionary), to determine or clarify the meanings of words and


Content Connections

Awesome beginnings!!!

Journal: “What if I had to spend an entire day with someone with whom I had a conflict?"//talk about stories with their friendships

Writing: create a story where they seek out revenge (in a non-violent way) against someone they are temporarily mad at.

Story elements

Poetry: Use words based on the story Enemy Pie to create a shape poem on the Read

Talk about or journal: clever ways to make an enemy a friend

Cooking make pie- make a recipe for friendship pie

Math-cutting pie (fractions)/charts

Art: Friendship bracelets

Vocabulary: enemy, jealousy, recipe, poisonous, boomrang, buzzer, ingredients, squint

Other Connections

Or Resources

School consular come and talk

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