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Lesson-Using Context Clues

Lesson Topic: Context Clues Subject: English/ Writing

IN Standards and Indicators: 1.RV.2.1 Demonstrate understanding that context clues (e.g., words and sentence clues) and text features (e.g., glossaries, illustrations) may be used to help understand unknown words.

Lesson Objective: Given a word, students will be able to use a sentence context to correctly identify its meaning 83% of the time.

Materials/Media: Context Clue Scavenger Hunt Sheet, Six Top Secret Folders, How To be a Detective Sheet, Context Clue Sorting Handout, (Motivation-Projector and Video), Pencil

Motivation: Partner and I are going to share the same video to the whole class before splitting in groups.

Rationale: Today, boys and girls, we are becoming detectives and will be using context clues to help us uncover the meaning of unknown words. By the end of the lesson, you will be able to uncover six unknown words by using context clues.

Teach: We are going to think like a detective.

  1. Read until you get to an unfamiliar word.

  2. Re-Read the sentence in which you found the unfamiliar word.

  3. LOOK and SEARCH for hints and clues surrounding the word.

  • We can look for

  • Synonyms- same

  • Antonyms- opposite

  • Definitions- meaning

  • Examples – like , such or as

  1. USE what you know to come up with a logical meaning.

  2. Does your new meaning MAKE SENSE in the original sentence.

Check for understanding: What is one way you can figure out an unknown word? Is it okay to re-read a section?

Activities: The students will be completing a scavenger hunt around the classroom. The students will become detectives and will around the classroom to different top-secret folders to find different sentences to try and figure out the unknown word. In each folder, there will be two hints. The first hint is a visual relating to word and the second is three options to what the silly word is.

* Beware: These are made up and silly words!

  • As a group, we will open up the first context clue.

  • Open up the TOP SECRET folder and read the “Context Clue”

  • As students: What does the word gleek mean?

  • Discuss as a group

  • If need help open up HINT 1 (picture)

  • Discuss as a group

  • If need more hemp open up HINT 2 ( 3 options)

  • Discuss and share thoughts

  • Write it down on Context Clue Scavenger Hunt Sheet

  • Supervised Practice Activity: Students will work in pairs with Context Clue Scavenger Hunt Sheet. Students will go around and try to solve the “Context Clues.” If they need help they are able to open up the HINT 1 and 2. After they solve one, they are to write the word and what they think it means down and moves on to a different clue in the scavenger hunt.

  • Check Answers as a Group:

  • 1. Bus

  • 2. Map

  • 3. Weather

  • 4. Cow

  • 5. Zoo

  • 6. Happy

Assessment/ Evaluation of student learning: Students will be given a detective clue-sorting handout with six sentences on them and will have to use context clues to figure out the bolded word. To make it more challenging, the students can cover up the word bank. The teacher will document which students achieved 83% mastery (or 5 out of 6 word meanings correctly identified).

Review: Today boys and girls we learned how to use context clues to help uncover words we may not know. What were we today to help us figure out words we may not know? Can pictures help us find unknown words?

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