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But I WAANNT it!

Title: But I Waaaannt it!


by Laura C. Schlessinger (Author), Daniel McFeeley (Author)

Genre- Social issue—wanting everything and giving what you have plenty of to people who need




K.RL.2.4: Make predictions about what will happen in a story

1.RL.4.1: Use illustrations and details in a story to describe its characters, setting, or events.

K-3.RL.2.1: Ask and answer questions (e.g., who was the story about; why did an event happen; where did the story happen) to demonstrate understanding of main idea and key details in a text

2.RL.2.2: Recount the beginning, middle, and ending of stories,

and determine their central message, lesson, or moral

Content Connections

Social studies-talk about want vs need

---talk about how much one has what they could do to give back to the community

Questions regarding reading: 1. What is it that Sammy thinks he needs? 2. WHy does he want all of them? 3. Is he being selfish? 4. Why can’t Sammy sleep? 5. Does Mr. Gorilla help Sammy sleep? 6. Who is Sammy missing? 7. Why is Mr. Cat important to Sammy? 8. What generous action does Sammy do with the new stuffed toys? 9. Is it more important to have a lot of stuff, or to enjoy the stuff

Other Connections

Or Resources

Give back to the community---coat drive/ toy drive/ go to the food bank ect..

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